“If you look the right way, you can see the whole world is a garden.”

Frances Hodgson Burnett

A Sense of Arcadia - part 1

Illustration and water colour collage study.


Following-on from the “Beauty in the Unseen” collection where I looked at the beauty in the dyeing back Scottish garden in the Autumn/Winter for this new project/collection I focused on the new, bright and re-born Scottish garden in the Spring/Summer.

Gardens and outdoor spaces have been a haven for us all to escape too and as we are now at a time where things are improving pre-pandemic it feels a chance of new hope etc.

Flora, fauna and nature provide the visual basis of my illustrations. Incorporating my fine line illustration/etching ‘handwriting” style with traditional design making processes and using technology to enhance rather than be the main focus. With that in mind the Arts and Craft Movement and the works of like William Morris & Co. have inspired me greatly in this collection.

Tulip Sketching

A time lapse showing the sketching of one of my featured motifs in my Hons Project collection.

If you have any enquiries about these designs or would like to purchase any of these items please head over to the Contact & Ways to Shop section where contact details can be found.


A Sense of Arcadia - Honours Project 2


Tranquil Depth